
Showing posts from December, 2019

Critical Reflection

Module Learning The goals that I have set myself at the start of the course is to overcome my lacking self-confidence which makes me have the fear on giving out answers of my opinions to group work such as in class activities. Also, my other goal was to improve my communication skills to help me in the workforce in the near future. For my self-confidence, I managed to improve it to a certain extent. At times, even though I am unsure on whether my answer is wrong or correct, I volunteer myself to give out my opinion to my group members for in class activity and project to boost up my self-confidence. However, there are still times where I find it difficult to voice out my answers as I still got that fear inside me where I feel that my answers are incorrect. For communication skills, I feel that I have improve a lot on it as previously, my English vocabulary was not as good which makes it difficult for me to speak in proper sentences. With the assignments and tasks that were done for