Critical Reflection

Module Learning
The goals that I have set myself at the start of the course is to overcome my lacking self-confidence which makes me have the fear on giving out answers of my opinions to group work such as in class activities. Also, my other goal was to improve my communication skills to help me in the workforce in the near future. For my self-confidence, I managed to improve it to a certain extent. At times, even though I am unsure on whether my answer is wrong or correct, I volunteer myself to give out my opinion to my group members for in class activity and project to boost up my self-confidence. However, there are still times where I find it difficult to voice out my answers as I still got that fear inside me where I feel that my answers are incorrect. For communication skills, I feel that I have improve a lot on it as previously, my English vocabulary was not as good which makes it difficult for me to speak in proper sentences. With the assignments and tasks that were done for this whole module, it boosts up my vocabulary, making me communicate better with my group mates and even my fellow classmates.

Project Learning
Our project showcase is regarding the use of PMDs in Singapore. With the current issue, which is arising in Singapore, it made our group look forward to completing this project. For instance, we just finished up our proposed solutions and a few days later, LTA implemented a new law which makes our solution unreliable and we have to come up with a new solution to help us support our project objectives. I also learnt that from this project, it is important to have teamwork as there are a lot of tasks to do for the proposal. We managed to split our tasks and did our individual parts which helps us to finish our proposal before the deadline. Also, I learnt how to write a proposal with the proper formatting. This project helps me to boost my confidence for my presentation as we rehearsed quite a number of times till it was close to perfect. In conclusion, this project taught me that teamwork is key to any group projects.

Presentation Showcase
The showcase is such an eventful sight, watching the other groups presenting their proposal is very memorable. Each of the groups have their flaws and I feel that some them are also nervous for their presentation. For the presentation showcase, I managed to watch a few groups who presented outstandingly. There was a group who uses a self-animated video which caught my eye as it was well explained from just a particular video. Furthermore, most of the groups asked questions to interact with the audience during their presentation. I personally feel that it was an amazing way to interact with the audience. Moreover, there are some groups who uses graphically appeasing pictures making the audience wanting to listen and focus more on the presentation. For their proposal, I feel that some of the groups does not have that good of an impact from their proposal as some of their solutions are not feasible and also really difficult to be implemented. I feel that for our own proposal, we should have audio visuals to help our audience understood more on what we were trying to execute in the project.


  1. Hi Nazirul,

    Congratulation, it is good to know that you were able to improve on your goals to a certain extend. To improve on sentence structure, i feel like podcast is the best way to go as our brain tend to imitate same as the speaker as well as gain knowledge. Yes, i agree that teamwork is key to success. Good luck on upcoming activities!

  2. Hi Nazirul, congratulations for obtaining your goal. I remembered i commented on your first blog which tells you a little bit of story of mine to boost self-confidence. I appreciate it when you are able to come out with ideas and stuff during group meetings. There is no right or wrong answer to every idea you gave. Overall, it was nice working on project together. I am glad that this module aids every individual to achieve the goals that they want. Continue to work hard, always take every opportunity to strive for better. :)


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