
Showing posts from September, 2019

Summary Reader Response Draft 1

In the article “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race”, Noble (2019) states that Singapore has made an advancement towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV) to promote safety in recent years to be on par with other countries. With the launch of AVs, TR68 was implemented to promote safety. By implementing driverless vehicles, it is beneficial for providing aid to the disabled and mobility towards the elderly. Most accidents occur due to human error. Thus, AVs also helps to provide the safety of the community and the environment. According to Noble (2019), "TR68 was develop to cover four key areas of AV deployment including vehicle behaviour, vehicle functional safety, cybersecurity, and data formats". Likewise, TR68 will help to allure foreign autonomous companies. However, Singapore's development on AVs has yet to reach the optimum standard as compared to other countries. Moreover, the writer fails to mention the disadvantages of having AVs. Firstly, in comp

Summary Reader Response Outline

Style 1: Traditional Linear Outline Summarized Article’s Main Idea + Thesis Statement Singapore has made an advancement towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV) to promote safety in recent years to be on par with other countries.  a.        With the launch of AVs, TR68 was implemented to promote safety. b.       Most accidents occur due to human error. Thus, AVs also helps to provide the safety of the community and the environment. c.        TR68 was developed to cover four key areas of AV deployment including vehicle behaviour, vehicle functional safety, cybersecurity, and data formats. + Your Main Idea/Thesis Statement Singapore's development on AVs has yet to reach the optimum standard as compared to other countries. Moreover, the writer fails to mention the disadvantages of having AVs. IV. First Supporting Idea In comparison with Singapore, the United States has better technology and innovation. a.       The United States has the highest AV technology

Summary Draft 2 (Autonomous Vehicles)

In the article “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race”, Noble (2019) states that Singapore has made an advancement towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV)  to promote safety in  recent years to be on par with other countries. With the launch of AVs, TR68 was implemented to promote safety.  By implementing driverless vehicles, it is beneficial for providing aid to the disabled and mobility towards the elderly. Most accidents occur due to human error. Thus, AVs also helps to provide the safety of the community and the environment. According to Noble (2019), "TR68 was develop to cover four key areas of AV deployment including vehicle behaviour, vehicle functional safety, cybersecurity, and data formats". Likewise, TR68 will help to allure foreign autonomous companies. However, Singapore's development on AVs has yet to reach the optimum standard as compared to other countries. Moreover, the writer fails to mention the disadvantages of having AVs.

Summary Draft 1 (Autonomous Vehicles)

In the article “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race”, states that Autonomous Vehicles (AV) have been developing around the world and Singapore have made an advancement towards AVs in the recent years to be on par with other countries. Countries such as Germany, are experimenting AVs on actual road conditions with minimum risk on safety whilst Korea are developing AVs to where cars can navigate by itself. Both countries including Singapore perception towards AVs is to provide a safer and effective mobility user environment to the community. For example, Singapore is trying to deploy functional AVs to promote safety such as the commencing of driverless bus in National University of Singapore. However, Singapore development on AVs has yet to reach the standards of other countries as the foreign countries has produced way more advance AVs as compared to Singapore.

Submission #1: Formal Letter

Subject: Self-introduction Dear Mdm Falizah I am Muhammad Nazirul Matin Bin Ya’akob and I am currently studying in my first year of Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services) in Singapore Institute of Technology. I graduated with a Diploma in Green Building and Sustainability at Temasek Polytechnic. My interest in engineering has arisen ever since I took Building Information Modelling module in my second year of polytechnic. I was always curious on how buildings were made and how the structure could hold up such heavy weight. Having to come up with design ideas on the building exterior for my project made a huge impact on my passion for engineering. One of the strengths in communication that I had developed through my National Service journey is being a team player. Having myself to communicate effectively and with clarity ensures my team to understand well and having the assurance that they are well prepared on the assigned task. Moreover, interacti