Summary Reader Response Draft 3

In the article “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race”, Noble (2019) states that Singapore has made an advancement towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV) to promote safety in recent years to be on par with other countries. With the launch of AVs, TR68 was implemented to promote safety. By implementing driverless vehicles, it is beneficial for providing aid to the disabled and mobility towards the elderly. Most accidents occur due to human error. Thus, AVs also helps to provide the safety of the community and the environment. According to Noble (2019), "TR68 was develop to cover four key areas of AV deployment including vehicle behaviour, vehicle functional safety, cybersecurity, and data formats". Likewise, TR68 will help to allure foreign autonomous companies. However, Singapore's development on AVs has yet to reach the optimum standard as compared to other countries. Moreover, the writer focuses mainly on the advantages of AVs and disregard the disadvantages of having AVs.

Firstly, in comparison with Singapore, the United States has better technology and innovation for AVs. The United States has the highest AV technology firm headquarters and the best capacity for innovation. With its advanced technology and innovation, the United States is able to produce driverless vehicles to promote its competency on the roads. For example, Tesla is one of the United States car manufacturers that support advanced autopilot function which has safety measures added to the vehicles. 

Secondly, Singapore is one of the countries that lead in the infrastructure of AVs. However, the Netherlands is way ahead of Singapore in terms of its AV infrastructure. Netherlands has a huge amount of AV companies and has the most electric vehicle charging points throughout the country.  According to KPMG executive (2018), "The intensively-used Dutch roads are very well developed and maintained, and other indicators like telecoms infrastructure are also very strong". Moreover, the Netherlands consists of the highest usage of electric vehicles. All of this is possible as the Netherlands Government provides plenty of funds for the development of AVs. 

Lastly, despite the advancement in the development of AVs, the disadvantages of AVs are critical. First of all, when drivers become much more accustomed to not driving, their skill and experience for driving will slowly vanish. Complications will arise if there is a need for the driver to drive. Furthermore, the system that is running in the AVs are all independent, without any support. If there is any computer malfunction, this will cause a major issue as safety measures will not play a part and lives will be at risk. Also, having AVs will be prone to hackers. They could be hacking into the vehicle's software and controlling or affecting its operation which would be a major concern. Not to mention that hackers can use AVs to their advantage to obtain classified information about the owner. Also, in harsh weather conditions, AVs might not be able to operate as well due to its non-operative sensors to such climate.

In conclusion, although Singapore managed to maintain its standard for AVs, it is still inadequate as they have yet to reach the peak for the key influencing factors to boost its status for AVs. Having the United States and the Netherlands to compete with, Singapore is lacking its competency to challenge their AV infrastructure and technology. Besides, the writer needs to discuss the disadvantages of AVs as it contradicts the safety factor of implementing AVs in Singapore.


Shankland, S. (2019). Take a close-up look at Tesla's self-driving car computer and its two

Dahad, N. (2019). The Netherlands Tops List for Autonomous Vehicle Readiness.   

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autonomous Car. (2019).

Why The Netherlands is the globe's top location for self-driving cars. (2019).

2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index. (2019). Retrieved from 7 October 2019,


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